State support of the Water Users Associations (WUA)
The Water User Association in Tajikistan is established with the aim of preserving, using intra-farm irrigation systems that are in joint and individual use for the fair, efficient, timely distribution of water between its members and other water users, collecting fees for water supply, settling disputes between members and other water users related to the distribution and use of water.
According to the Resolution No. 755 of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 2, 2014 "On designation of the authorized state agency for regulation and state support of the Water Users Association", and in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Water Users Association", the Agency is the authorized state body for regulating state support of the Water User Associations.
Currently 416 WUAs are registered in the country, which supply with irrigation water 379.43 thousand hectares of agricultural irrigated land, or 50.05% of agricultural land mainly in the zones of gravity irrigation. However, there are some problems in their activities, such as a shortage of experienced specialists in WUA management, shortage of machinery and mechanisms, low level of collection of funds for water supply services and membership fees, as well as maintenance of satisfactory ameliorative condition of lands, efficient use of land and water resources, etc.
The WUA support unit is functioning in the structure of the Agency, with the aim of regulation and the state support of the WUAs, which discharges its functions and responsibilities together with the state departments of land reclamation and irrigation of towns and districts, as well as international organizations.
Within the framework of the reform of the water sector of Tajikistan, it is planned to improve the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Water Users Associations", complete the inventory of intra-farm drainage networks and put them onto the WUA's books, as well as establish WUAs in pump irrigation zones.